Bandhas, Mudras, and Pranayama
8.5 hrs
4 classes (avg 105 mins)
50% Practice/50% Talks
Drawing upon postures from the Primary Series, David teaches how to access the energetic hatha yoga techniques that are hidden within the poses.
In the physical portion of each class:
-You will learn about the physical application of mula bandha, uddihyana bandha, khechari mudra, and jalandhara bandha in postures of the Primary Series.
-a portion of the Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence (Class 2, 3, and 4)
In the philosophy portion of each class:
-You will learn about the corresponding energetic language that reveals what's beyond the physical practice.
There is an entire energetic vocabulary in hatha yoga that the Ashtanga practice initiates you in to. The roots of the energetic language are found in the sacred texts like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Speaking in this language moves your yoga conversation away from the mundane, anatomical, sports paradigm towards the mystical, invisible spiritual perspective. Learning to see your self and the world in energetic terms means you can begin to concentrate your mind in more subtle ways.
Class 1 - Mudras within a Vinyasa Position plus Talk (105 mins)
Class Moments:
1- Vrksasana
2 - Padangusthasana
3 - Prasarita Padottanasana
4- Uttihta Hasta Padangusthasana
5- Dandasana
6- Pashimottanasana
7- Janusirsasana A
8- Maha Mudra
9- Padmasana
10- Baddha Konasana
11- Talk using Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Please note that the talk is Zoom quality -
Class 2 - Asana Gestures as Mudras, Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence, Talk (125 mins)
1- Prana and Apana Vayu
2- Surya Namasakara
3- Pada Hastasana
4- Trikonasana
5- Half Moon
6- Warrior 3
7- Garudasana
8- Uttihta Hasta Padangusthasana w/wall
9- Simhasana
10- Purvottanasana
11- Upa Vista Konasana
12- Baddha Konasana
13- Ashtanga Pranyama Sequence
14- Talk -
Class 3 - Inversions a Gateway to Mudras, Pranayama, and Talk (135 mins)
Class Moments:
1- Downward Facing Dog
2- Prasarita Padottanasana
3- Purvottanasana
4- Bhujapidasana
5- Garbapindasana
6- Baddha Konasana
7- Upa Vista Konasana
8- Sarvangasana
9- Ashtanga Pranayama Sequence
10- Talk -
Class 4 - Unofficial Positions as Mudras, Pranayama, and Talk (140 mins)
Class Moments:
1- Surya Namasakara
2- Ardha Badha Padma Padmottanasana
3- Prasarita Padottansana
4- Warrior 2
5- Uddiyana Bandha Kriya
6- Supta Hasta Padangusthasana
7- Supta Konasana
8- Sarvangasana Variation
9- Bharadvajasana
10- Vatayanasana
11- Gomukasana
12- Sirsasana
13- Ashtanga Pranayama ...