Instructed First Pranayama (Parts A and B)
Guide to Ujjayi Breathing & Ashtanga Pranayama Seq
7m 40s
Up Next in Guide to Ujjayi Breathing & Ashtanga Pranayama Seq
instructed Second Pranayama (Parts A ...
Nadi Shodhana (cleansing of pranic channels). Developing skill in the technique of nadi shodana is necessary in order to udnerstand the unique language and purpose of pranayama. The second pranayama introduces digital pranayama also known as alternate nostril breathing.
In this video David g...
instructed Third Pranayama Bhastrika
Bhastrika: Bellows
Bhastrika is a highly active, energy rousing technique that tones the absomen and helps you to activate your respiratory musuclature. The forceful rhythmic pumping of the breath churns the belly and stirs up the dormant, sluggish energy within muladhara, the root support cha...
instructed Fourth Pranayama Surya and...
Surya: Sun, solar, heating, right nostril
Chandra: moon, lunar, cooling, left nostril
Bhedana: clear, cleanse, free flowingPerform this kumbhaka in order to clear the two principal nadis, ida and pingala, also known as the sun and moon, and also to cleanse the overall system of nadis throug...