Strength Day 2
Extract Strength From Your Yoga Practice
This session begins with you learning how to use your basic knowledge of Samasthiti (Equal Standing Pose) to gain strength in handstand. Experiencing the similarities between these two seemingly unlike positions can help you maximize your ability to efficiently and safely extract strength from all upside down positions. You’ll play with gaining strength through adding variations (such as lifting one leg, bringing thigh to chest, kicking one leg straight) to both standing and handstand. Introducing variety through doing variations in your postures helps you gain strength by working new areas of the body and helping you stay longer in poses. In this exercise you’ll also explore the two dynamic jumping transitions that are found in Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation) one involving jumping from 3rd to 4th position where explore keeping our weight forward, going into a full crouch and springing all the way to Caturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose). And you’ll work on the other transition that involves working to perfect the “crouch and spring” move in the transition from 6th to 7th position of Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation). You’ll also begin to work with ideas for gaining abdominal and core strength in Navasana (Boat Pose) doing the pose with bent knees alternating with kicking your legs straight dynamically.
Up Next in Extract Strength From Your Yoga Practice
Strength Day 3
This day features dynamic “looping” of exercises, a process of linking together single exercises by connecting them with transitions so that you can flow from one strength move to another without interruption. One loop involves doing Plank with1 arm alternating with Downward Dog and Handstand a...
Strength Day 4
In this session you’ll learn a dynamic strengthening loop exercise that teaches you how to skillfully enter and exit Handstand. And then most of the session is devoted to working to gain strength in various back bending positions. You’ll begin by learning to extract strength from the transitio...
Strength Day 5
Day 5 begins with an exercise that will test your endurance and stamina in Handstand. You’ll go into the position at the wall and stay up for quite some time while performing the following 3 variations Vrkshasana (Tree Pose) Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose) and Padmasana (Full Lotus Pose)-you c...