2nd Half of Second Series plus Pranayama

2nd Half of Second Series plus Pranayama

6 hrs
3 classes (avg 2 hrs)
75% practice/25% talk
In Class 1 and 2, strength building and hip flexibility are the two main asana themes. David teaches the poses from Bakasana through the 7 Sirsasana variations. You will study how to approach these poses safely and extract their particular benefits.  Each pose will be presented in a set of logical steps that will clarify how to:  1) target skill, strength, and flexibility 2) determine what is wanted to keep progressing towards greater mastery 3) customize your efforts.

In class 3, the focus is Pranayama. It includes a lecture and practice component. This class is for students who are interested in starting a pranayama practice.

2nd Half of Second Series plus Pranayama
  • Class 1 - Bakasana - Pincha Mayurasana (2 hrs)

    Class Moments:
    1- Bakasana
    2- Jump to Bakasana
    3- Bharadvajasana
    4- Ardha Matseyandrasana
    5- Eka Pada Sirsasana
    6- Dwi Pada Sirsasana
    7- Yoganidrasana
    8- Tittibhasana
    9- Pincha Mayurasana

  • Class 2 - Karandavasana to Baddha Hasta Sirsasana D (2 hrs)

    Class moments:
    1- Karandavasana
    2- Mayurasana
    3- Nakrasana
    4- Vatayanasana
    5- Parighasana
    6- Gomukhasana
    7- Supta Urdha Pada Vajrasana
    8- Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C
    9- Baddha Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C, D

  • Class 3 - Pranayama Talk and Practice (2 hrs)

    In the first half of this class David uses the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and gives a talk about the importance of pranayama. The second half of the class is a pranayama practice where David teaches a portion of the Ashtanga Pranyama sequence.