Prana Exercise (6 mins)
Asana Skill Building for Ashtangis
6m 0s
Prana vayu governs the region of the chest cavity form the diaphragm to the collarbones and includes the lungs, rib cage, and entire upper torso. Linked with the in - breath, the pranic patters is an upward, expansive, centrifugal, opening pattern.
Working with the pranic pattern during inhalation helps you elongate along the central axis and encourages spaciousness and receptivity within the torso. Stopping the upward course of prana vayu and redirecting it downward into the belly is called jalandhara bandha. The skillful yogi learns to recognize the upward expansive prana vayu pattern and thus gain mastery over the intake of prana into her body.
Up Next in Asana Skill Building for Ashtangis
Apana Exercise (6 mins)
Apana vayu governs the lower abdominal and pelvic region within the torso from the navel to the pelvic floor. Link with the out - breath, the apanic pattern is a downward, inwand, cohesive, centripetal force that has rooting and grounding propensities.
By tuning into the pattern of apana vay...
instructed First Pranayama Ujjayi: Pa...
Uj: upward, expansive
Jaya: victorious
Bahya: external
Antara: internal
Kumbhaka: retentionThis first pranayama introduces bahya kumbhaka (retention after exhaling) and antara kumbhaka (retention after inhaling). The kumbhaka ratio is approximately 6:4 inhalation/exhalation. This means th...
Uddiyana Bandha Warm Up (8 mins)
3 uddiyana bandha kriya exercises that cleanse the belly and prepare you for practice.