Day 3 Head Balance Master Class
Day 3 you are introduced to the imagery of the Nine Spotlights for aligning your body accurately along the vertical axis in Samasthiti (Equal Standing) and Sirsasana (Head Balance). You’ll learn to see Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Angle Forward Bend) not only as a forward bend but also as a preparation for Sirsasana. You’ll take an in-depth look at how doing preparatory exercises for Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance) serves as a safe, fun and challenging means of skill building for Head Balance. You’ll learn that as a beginner in Sirsasana, the proper distribution weight is having at least 50% of your weight should be borne by your arms. Lastly, you’ll work at wall and gain the skill to create a dynamic crouch and spring entrance into Sirsasana.
Day 3 summary of exercises
1) Samasthtii
2) Prasarita Padottanasana
3) Pincha Mayurasana set up
4) Sirsasana set up
5) Crouch and Spring entrance to Sirsasana with wall