Strength Day 14
This day is devoted to gaining strength by developing your bandha (Energetic Lock) technique. Learning to understand what bandhas are and how to apply them in your practice is a unique way to gain strength, unlike any other technique or practice that you will ever encounter. This class will help you to see that using bandhas in your practice is not only effective and enjoyable but also naturally leads you into experiences of internal states of meditation. By going through a sampling of postures from the main categories of asana’s you learn how to apply bandha techniques to any posture. You’ll explore how to find bandha power in Samasthiti (Equal Standing), Vrkshasana (Tree Posture), Padangusthasana (Big Toes Posture), Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Legged Standing Forward Bending posture), and Maha Mudra (Great Seal Posture). Also you will learn a meditative and healing way to use Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) with your feet at the wall to do Uddhyana Bandha Kriya (Belly Flying Up Lock).